Signs of the Times is a Christian worldview magazine published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia since 1886. The podcast is a little more recent than that.

Latest Episodes

Energy drinks: delicious or deadly?

Energy drinks are everywhere and for the most part, we just accept them as part of our everyday beverage consumption culture. But are they all they're cracked up to be...

Moesha's Olympic Miracle

Moesha Johnson came from humble beginnings; a Christian country girl from rural Australia. But, like many other kids, she had dreams. In particular, she dreamed of swi...

The Mum Load

In this episode, we speak to Melody Tan. Melody is the director of Mums at the Table, a project that seeks to connect mums with like-minded people and help them create...

How to Media-Proof your Kids

Let's face it: most of us who are parents often feel like we're fighting a losting battle. It's not a battle against monsters—but screens. Whether an iPad or TV, media...

Demons and the Drugs they Like

Satan, demons, conjurings: these are all the hallmarks of the sinister subculture many know of as "the occult". It's a shadowy world of secret societies, subliminal me...

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