Kent Kingston

Kent Kingston

Editor (former), Signs of the Times

Appears in 135 Episodes

Did the Bible predict Covid-19?

As disaster mounts on disaster and experts warn of a dire future, many people are wondering if this is the end of days. What does the Bible say? Image: Unsplash_Ash...

Justice at the roots

Plenty of fantastic charities are making a positive difference rescuing and rehabilitating people suffering from trafficking and slavery. But is anyone doing anything ...

Need help to beat debt?

When the bills are piling up and there seems no way out, an Aussie organisation is there to support and find solutions. Meet Rosie Kendall, CEO of Christians Against P...

Be Human. Connect.

Covid-19 is likely to only exacerbate problems arising from a pre-existing pandemic: loneliness. Why is human contact so hard in an interconnected world? Image: Unspl...

The problem with plastic

Time and again, human innovation has delivered unexpected side-effects. What can we learn from the story of plastic? Photo: Unsplash—Jasmin Sessler

Stopping Traffick

Human trafficking is one of the world's most profitable industries. And, it might surprise you to learn, these criminal enterprises touch each of us. Photo: Unsplash—A...

Those who survive

History is littered with the stories of nations and peoples that were completely wiped out. But then there are the survivors — those who have managed to stubbornly hol...

My first cruise

Glenda McClintock's first cruise involved tropical waters, palm-fringed beaches . . . the edge of a cyclone, rain-soaked bedding and an inspirational glimpse of people...

Hardwired for racism?

Many people are afraid of snakes, but they just can't explain why. Is their fear hardwired or a learned behaviour? Many people instinctively dislike those of other ...

Remember to rest

A life spent spinning frantically round and round will leave you dizzy. It's important to stop. Here's how. Photo: Unsplash—Spring Fed Images

Making sense of the Trinity

It's one of the key foundational teachings of Christianity, but also one of the most complex and hotly debated. How can God both be One and still have an aspect of thr...

Learning to Love

It's a strange paradox that in order to be emotionally secure, sometimes you need to be prepared to be vulnerable. Maryellen Fairfax shares what's she's learned throug...

I Survived Cancer

It's the sentence you never want to hear your doctor say: "I'm sorry, it's cancer." Journalist and mum of three Tracey Bridcutt recounts her battle with breast cancer.

The Christmas Invasion

Yeah, everyone loves the idea of the Baby in the manger - babies are cute! But why is the birth of Jesus such a big deal for Christians?

Wake Up Call

People around the world are being exiled, imprisoned, tortured and killed simply because of their religion or belief - the scale of the issue is mind-numbing. Amnesty ...

Disney goes dark

The kids that grew up on the first Toy Story movies are young adults now. But as the franchise has rolled on, the tone and themes of the plots have become darker and m...

Can't sleep on concrete

It was only for one night, but Toowoomba's Jacob Ugljesa's eyes were opened when he slept on the streets to raise money for the homeless. What would it take to open hi...

How to make a healthy baby

Many would-be mums struggling to fall pregnant are given the blunt prescription, "lose weight," based on well-attested research. What's coming to light more recently, ...

Surviving Year 12

What stresses — and opportunities — does Year 12 present for you and your child? Veteran English teacher Denise Nelson offers some practical tips.

Lest We Forget

War, peace, sacrifice. So what exactly is it that we're supposed to remember on Remembrance Day?

The Reluctant Leader

It's inevitable that, at some point, you'll be in charge . . . of something or some other people. That makes you a leader. And how you lead is important, says leadersh...

Who was Jesus?

Many religions and philosophies claim Jesus Christ as their own, but who was he, assuming he existed at all?

The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

Taylor Swift's habit of dropping cryptic hints about her upcoming music projects got high school teacher Kira-Leigh Josey thinking about the world's longest running tr...

Comparison is the thief of joy

If focusing on the accomplishments and attributes of other people is making you miserable, here are some handy tips to help you escape the deadly cycle of comparison. ...

Be Fruitful

In the scramble to 'get rich quick', is it possible that we've missed what real wealth is?

Workplace Romance

From workmate to soulmate? Dating a colleague is fraught with danger and can end in a total trainwreck - not just in terms of the romance, but also your career. Despit...

Stubborn Faith

When you're angry at God, pray. When there's nothing left that worth saying, pray. How can faith in God survive the kind of unthinkable suffering that occurred in Au...

Going vegan

For 15 years, Mariana Venturi considered cutting animal products out of her diet, but just couldn't manage to follow through. Then she read "The Healthiest People on E...

The Illusion of Connection

So you've just spent four hours scrolling through all your social media feeds, giving likes and hearts and cute comments. You've caught up with what all your friends a...

Holy Spirit 101

While many of the world's major world religions find a place for Jesus Christ within their beliefs, Christianity's teaching of the Holy Spirit - the Third Person of th...

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