Kent Kingston

Kent Kingston

Editor (former), Signs of the Times

Appears in 135 Episodes

Will you be my neighbour?

Denmark-born Kirsten Oster-Lundqvist has lived in different countries around the world — now she's in New Zealand. She says her experience as a global nomad has given ...

Making sense of suicide

When Aleta Bainbridge's grandson, Leonard, took his own life, the shock and grief reverberated around the family. Leonard had believed a lie, and Aleta wishes from ...

We love to play the game of thrones

What does our obsession with this blood-soaked epic tell us about the human hunger for meaning and significance? Cultural commentator and media critic Mark Hadley offe...

Men's Shed

Trying to get some men to open up about their emotions and struggles is well-nigh impossible. But put a screwdriver in their hand and a practical project in front of t...

The death of a child

"No mother should ever have to bury her child." But sadly, it's something too many mothers have said while they're doing just that. What is the impact of the loss of a...


Superbugs, super-fungi and the approaching whine of mosquito-borne diseases. Are you ready?

Humble Faith

If you're impressed with your level of humility, you may have missed the point! Signs magazine's Daniel Kuberek chats with author, editor and activitist, Nathan Brown....

Making sense of mass shootings

The horror, shock and grief felt in the wake of a mass shooting like what happened earlier this year in Christchurch culminates in a simple, but agonised question: Why?

The F-word

Why is it that, after all the advances of the women's movement in the past century, so young women today are reluctant to identify with the word... dare we utter it?.....

The What and How-to of Spirituality

If your image of spirituality is limited to yoga pants and serene contemplation on an iStock beach, you need to think again. What can we learn about real, everyday...

All Juiced Up

The growing young male subculture of strength and fitness training is a positive health trend in many ways. But an obsessive preoccupation with body image and "bulking...

Hope and the End of History

How can a message about the looming end of days also be a message of hope? An interview with Discovery Bible School director, Pastor Wayne Boehm.

The New Pharisees

Has the secular left become the new religious right? Film critic and cultural commentator Mark Hadley explores this emerging trend in the public discourse.

Fit to print

The news you might have missed, the great protein debate and more . . . Signs of the Times editors Kent Kingston and Daniel Kuberek offer a sneak peek into the prin...

Battling Dr Google

"The truth is that we don’t always have the answer." Confessions of a local GP. Meet Dr Preeya Alexander, a Melbourne general practitioner and a "wholesome doctor".

Meeting Muslims

What happened when an 18-year-old church pastoral assistant decided to connect not just with the people in his pews, but the people in his street?

The accidental environmentalist

Scott Sabin's evangelical zeal motivated him to begin helping the poor in the shanty towns of Haiti. But what he found when he tracked the causes of poverty to their s...

How to fight on Facebook . . . and win

Too many of us turn obnoxious when given the opportunity to share our opinions on social media. What's gone wrong and how can we fix it?

Make sure some paths are dirt

A passion for photography and motorcycle touring took music producer Simon Lister on an unexpected journey.

Eating Together

Eating together communicates trust and acceptance. It holds families together and turns strangers into friends. Jesus Christ used eating together as the basis for the ...


When it comes to weddings, it seems there's a move away from the mega-spectacle, with its cast of thousands and crushing financial burden. So is elopement the new runa...


How is it that when the powerless speak, their words have a ring of truth and moral authority? It's the Jesus Paradox.

Australia and the Bible

Buried deep and sometimes protruding from our cultural landscape at curious angles, the Bible has a unique relationship with contemporary Australia. Meet Meredith Lake...

Fatherhood after separation

How do you maintain that vital connection with kids after separation and divorce? Patrick O'Neill, with his many years of experience in foster care, has some words of ...

Global Warming

Extreme weather events seem to be happening more often around the globe. Heat and cold records are being broken every year. What is going on, how do we face the future...


Plenty of us are control freaks. But there comes a point when not having things exactly organised causes debilitating anxiety. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can destro...

The grand, unified theory . . . of the chair

We talk about chairs in this episode . . . a lot. Take a seat . . .


There's no getting around the fact that divorce is painful, particularly for children. But, says psychologist and daughter of divorced parents Deanna Pitchford, it's a...

Caribbean Mudcake

It was the best of cakes, it was the worst of cakes. Radio personality and keen amateur baker Monica Gallasch gained some unexpected insights from a recipe that went w...

Mass surveillance

Governments use mass surveillance to protect citizens from terror attacks. But can large databases of private information be abused? Daniel Kuberek joins Kent Kingston...

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