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Previous generations had their life course mapped out for them: if you were a woman it was marriage and motherhood; if you were a man it was taking on your father's trade or profession. But today, we find ourselves paralysed by the avalanche of options presented to us, along with messages to "follow your heart", "find your calling" and "fulfil your potential". What's the best way forward? Image credit: Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash
Previous generations had their life course mapped out for them: if you were a woman it was marriage and motherhood; if you were a man it was taking on your father's trade or profession. But today, we find ourselves paralysed by the avalanche of options presented to us, along with messages to "follow your heart", "find your calling" and "fulfil your potential". What's the best way forward? Image credit: Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash

Creators and Guests

Kent Kingston
Kent Kingston
Editor (former), Signs of the Times
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