Kent Kingston

Kent Kingston

Editor (former), Signs of the Times

Appears in 135 Episodes

Do you support slavery?

There's no doubt about it—slavery is wrong. Ask the average person on the street and they'll agree with you. But are we supporting it in other ways, like . . . throug...

Follow the Light

You may have heard about near-death experiences; where people who are declared deceased remember entering another realm before waking up on earth. It's a highly debat...

Mums need Mums

Being a mum can be isolating at the best of times. What mums need is to connect with other women going through similar experiences, which is exactly what the Mums At T...

Jeffrey Epstein's Justice?

The untimely death of accused serial abuser Jeffery Epstein has caused anguish among those who wanted to see him face a courtroom and be forced to reveal just how far ...

What is Church?

What comes to mind when you hear the word "church"? An historical artefact or Hillsong? How about a grassroots movement of people making a difference in their local co...

The truth about death

The various beliefs about death and the afterlife seem trivial and irrelevant to many of us. That is, until we encounter the reality of death within our own circle. Th...

Who can predict the future?

Did clairvoyant Sylvia Browne accurately predict coronavirus 12 years ago? What was the source of Paul the Octopus's uncanny ability to pick World Cup football winners...

The problem with guilt

Guilt has gone out of fashion—in some circles making someone feel guilty is the ultimate social faux pas. It turns out that we're still afflicted by guilt, but many of...

Who's the true Messiah?

The major world religions seem so different from one another, but it turns out that each of them is awaiting the return of a Chosen One who will mark the end of the wo...

Racing on Empty

If you feel trapped in a cycle of achievement, hurry and meaninglessness, you'll be able to relate to Iona Rossely's story. Even a speed-skiing accident at 160kph was ...

Is 2020 a crisis point?

“Round and round we go.” It can feel like that sometimes, not only in the context of history but also in our personal lives. How many times can the same mistakes be re...

Lessons from a firstborn baby

Motherhood is about teaching your baby—how to eat, walk and eventually talk. But what can a baby teach you back?

Ashley's Nothing New 2020 Challenge

Ashley Stanton decided 2020 would be a year without purchasing brand new fashion apparel. 9 months in, she tells of the the surprising results.

I don't want Covid to end

Once social isolation came into full force, we found ourselves taking long walks in the late afternoon. I said to her, “I don’t want Covid to end because I don’t want ...

Origin stories matter

"Where do I come from?" It's a question that goes beyond awkward biology lessons with your children. What you believe about your origins has implications for your iden...

Prepare to launch

Previous generations had their life course mapped out for them: if you were a woman it was marriage and motherhood; if you were a man it was taking on your father's tr...

Finding my hero

Hollywood's penchant for female superheroes reflects a cultural moment where the "strong, independent woman" has almost become cliche. Who do you look to for inspirati...

7 Deadly Viruses

Think back over the pandemics humanity has faced during the past century. There's a pattern in the causation. So if pandemics are essentially predictable and avoidable...

Vaping: the healthy alternative?

So you're trying to give up smoking and you've noticed the steady growth in popularity of vaping in recent years. Should you make the switch? Probably not, says Mauric...

Vegan bodybuilder

After winning a number of bodybuilding competitions in various countries, at age 52, New Zealand man Dusan Dudas was faced by a health crisis and decided to go vegan....

The Papuan Problem

Some are calling it a 'slow-motion genocide.' And it's happening right on Australia's doorstep. Human rights advocate Elizabeth Kendal explains the history of West Pap...

What is Armageddon?

It's a word even mainstream journalists are throwing around these days. But let's step back from the fear and sensationalism and ask, 'What exactly does the word Armag...

Arrested for good

Most of us think of ourselves as generally law-abiding people. But are there times when it's morally justifiable to break the law? This week's Signs Radio episode feat...

How to hear God's voice

It seems there are thousands of voices around us, all screaming for our attention. Is it possible to hear God's voice amid the clamour? Journalist, broadcaster and Chr...

From Pawn to King

Looking back, we can sometimes see those key moments that set the directions of our lives. The zig-zag pattern of Gordon Gosset's story illustrates the spiritual force...

Finding the right fit

Maybe you don't actually 'hate' exercise. Maybe you just haven't found the right fitness strategy for you. Image: Unsplash_Gustavo Torres

Can we beat bullying?

Despite decades of attempts to stamp out bullying, rates remain stubbornly high, not to mention how bullying has metastasised online. What are we doing wrong and how c...

How to grow hope

"To be born into the twenty-first century is to be born into an era of hopelessness," says media and cultural critic Mark Hadley, citing evidence that shows this is no...

The fundamentals of family

Bjorn Karlman is the proud dad of a pre-school-aged daughter and can't stop talking about his wife, Jammie. In this episode he shares how he very nearly wasn't a dad a...

The Elvis the world forgot

Tribute artist Gavin Chatelier's passion is to remind the world about Elvis Presley's spirituality and gospel tunes.

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