I don't want Covid to end

Once social isolation came into full force, we found ourselves taking long walks in the late afternoon. I said to her, “I don’t want Covid to end because I don’t want to go back to answering telemarketers.” She replied, “I don’t want Covid to end because I don’t want to go back to getting three kids to three different schools every morning.” And so the conversation went, back and forth, as we watched our kids pedal bikes that had been boring to them only a week before. Image: Jessica Rockowitz_Unsplash
Once social isolation came into full force, we found ourselves taking long walks in the late afternoon. I said to her, “I don’t want Covid to end because I don’t want to go back to answering telemarketers.” She replied, “I don’t want Covid to end because I don’t want to go back to getting three kids to three different schools every morning.” And so the conversation went, back and forth, as we watched our kids pedal bikes that had been boring to them only a week before. Image: Jessica Rockowitz_Unsplash

Creators and Guests

Kent Kingston
Kent Kingston
Editor (former), Signs of the Times
I don't want Covid to end
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