
As we approach the 25th anniversary of the tragic end of the Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas, media and public interest is on the rise. What would possess so many men, women and children to follow the teachings and biddings of David Koresh, a self-styled messiah? In this episode we meet Carol Boehm, who shared a college dorm room with Australian woman Nicole Gent, one of those who died in Waco's final, fiery showdown. We also explore what the Bible says about true and false messiahs. Check out the article this episode is based on at
As we approach the 25th anniversary of the tragic end of the Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas, media and public interest is on the rise. What would possess so many men, women and children to follow the teachings and biddings of David Koresh, a self-styled messiah? In this episode we meet Carol Boehm, who shared a college dorm room with Australian woman Nicole Gent, one of those who died in Waco's final, fiery showdown. We also explore what the Bible says about true and false messiahs. Check out the article this episode is based on at

Creators and Guests

Kent Kingston
Kent Kingston
Editor (former), Signs of the Times
Broadcast by