Kent Kingston

Kent Kingston

Editor (former), Signs of the Times

Appears in 135 Episodes


Adoption can change a child's life, and yet the process can take years with many hurdles. Human rights lawyer James Standish joins Signs radio to tell why giving the g...


Handel's Messiah is one of the most well-known pieces of classical music. It contains the Hallelujah chorus, which is still sung all around the world. Why is this piec...

Schools & Religion

It used to be said that three topics should be off-limits for polite conversation, sex, politics and religion. The current debates into the proper place of religion in...


After more than 40 years, the Star Wars franchise has maintained its appeal and sparked the imagination of each successive generation. Film critic and cultural comment...


If you want to get ahead, it's important to have friends in high places. And what's true in life, is also true for the afterlife. It's who you know. Pastor Wayne Boehm...


Up until 200 years ago, human beings had not travelled faster than the speed of a galloping horse; in the 1880s railway technophobes warned the human body could not wi...

Anzacs Speak

One hundred years ago this month world leaders signed the armistice that marked the end of the First World War. In this interview with military historian Dr Daniel Rey...


Do we have an ethical responsibility towards the thousands - no, millions - of displaced people seeking safety for themselves and their families?

How to give your money away

When it comes to charities are you a generous giver or a reluctant donor? How do you know where your money is going and how much thought do you put into which charitie...

Our slum, our home

Meet the family who decided a number of years ago that they were due for a downgrade - they left their upper-middle class life in Australia and moved to a slum in Indi...

The Sabbath Community

Life can get so crazy-busy that it actually takes discipline to ensure we get some quality rest. The ancient tradition of Sabbath offers a weekly rhythm of rest, renew...

Brain Choke

Why, at the crucial moment, can the outcome of a sporting or artistic performance be so dismayingly uncertain? What separates the sweaty palmed dizzy successes from th...

Robot Reality

If even a super-smart tech entrepreneur Elon Musk is worried about artificial intelligence and the rise of the machines, shouldn't the rest of us be?

Medicinal Cannabis

The gradual acceptance in the medical and research community that cannabis can be an effective medication for certain conditions has led to changes in the legal status...

Fathers Day

There's no workshop manual for fathering - all most of us have is what our own dads taught us, and that can be a bit hit and miss. Family life educator Trafford Fische...

Practising Faith

What if being a believer is less like wearing your favourite football team's shirt and chanting the team song and more like lacing up and turning up for regular traini...


Jews, Hindus, Christians and Muslims all practise ritual purification by water. What does the Bible say about baptism and its meaning? Pastor Wayne Boehm explains.


In Australia there are about half a million households where kids are growing up without a dad. What's the impact of that, and what can be done about it. We chat with ...


Laughter is contagious. It releases tension, breaks though our defences and helps us connect with everyone from close family to total strangers. In very real sense lau...


Are we too obsessed with the private lives of celebrities, politicians and other public figures? Or should we be concerned when their private ethics don't match up wit...

Meet Daniel Kuberek

In this episode we get to know Daniel Kuberek, Signs of the Times' new assistant editor. We also take a sneak peak at the highlights of the August edition of the magaz...

Indigenous Christian

Australia's indigenous history is entangled with its Christian history, for better and worse. What's the way forward and how are the arts involved? This episode spring...


Before there was Banksy there was Mr Eternity, an anonymous street artist who tagged the footpaths of Sydney for 35 years. This is his story. This podcast contains a...


Do you volunteer or serve your community in some way? Do you “do good”? Well, it’s great if you do, but have you ever stopped to wonder who you’re actually helping – w...


Is beauty a trap? Or a trapdoor into a deeper reality. Vanesa Pizzuto thinks it's kind of both. Check out the interview here and read the original article at https://w...

Live More Happy

Depression is at epidemic levels in Western countries, including Australia. Could our lifestyle in the "lucky country" be killing us? Lifestyle medicine researcher Dr ...

Blood In, Blood Out

Rome Ulia was headed for a life in and out of prison, or a violent death on the streets. Then came a baby, a bus-stop and an ancient book. Read the story at https://ww...


Although we spend much of our lives avoiding it, the experience of supporting a loved one through the dying process can involve an important re-assessment of beliefs a...

Who Made God?

The question of God's existence is one that has exercised the minds of scientists, philosophers and ordinary people for millennia. And then there's the atheists' trump...

Good Death

In the wake of the death of 104-year-old scientist, David Goodall, the debate around euthanasia has been given renewed vigour. Adventist pastor Bruce Manners lives in ...

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