Kent Kingston

Kent Kingston

Editor (former), Signs of the Times

Appears in 135 Episodes

Bible Basics

Its teachings lie at the foundation of Western civilisation, but the Bible is less known and more misunderstood than ever. Wayne Boehm, a pastor who has travelled to t...


Freelance journalist Suvi Mahonen recounts her journey of discovery into the battle against Big Tobacco. And a heads-up for non-smokers, who are far from disinterested...

Escape the Grid

Consumerism shapes our sense of identity because it informs us of the meaning of success; it tells us what to desire, what to love and what to have hope in. It tells u...

Beautiful Maths

Author and iconoclast Clifford Goldstein tackles music, beauty, cosmic order, science and the existence of God.

Killing Time

Journalist and reviewer Mark Hadley investigates the impact of violent games and media on our attitudes, our relationships and even the structures of our brain. Re...


Most of us spend our lives wishing we could escape from stress, but it turns out it can actually be a good thing. An interview with child and youth counsellor Mikaela ...


Adam Ramdin, presenter and executive producer of the “Lineage Journey” YouTube video series, talks about the project with a particular focus on the Waldenses, Bible-be...


It seems everyone has an agenda when it comes to Australia's religious identity. What do the stats say and what is the way forward? Read the article at http://signsoft...


This weekend is Easter for most countries around the world. It's also the Passover season. And it's no accident that these two ancient festivals so closely coincide. W...


Right now there are a million Rohingya refugees and IDPs looking for a safe place to belong. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is working together with other...


As we approach the 25th anniversary of the tragic end of the Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas, media and public interest is on the rise. What would possess so many...


Everyone's been talking about marriage in the last few years, but there hasn't been a whole lot of focus on how to make it work. Family life educator Trafford Fischer ...

Hard Luck

While regulators ignore appeals from the grassroots, the gambling industry continues to gobble up profits. All just harmless fun? Don’t bet on it. Host Kent Kingsto...

Dolly Doctor

His distinctive voice is heard on radio regularly. He’s been a TV and magazine doctor and written books focusing on family medical advice. And on top of his Member of ...


Why is this man wearing a plastic bucket on his head? It gets weirder. The inside of the bucket is lined with aluminium foil and has a row of red LED lights that en...

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